
On the Prospects of a Third World War

Frederick the Great remarks somewhere that diplomacy without force is like music without instruments. He forgot to add: when the music is off-key, one...

Armenia–Azerbaijan: A Chance to End the Cycle of Conflict

Every war and conflict experience pivotal moments that bring significant risks, often accompanied by suffering and devastation. However, these moments also present fresh possibilities...

How the Anti-West Axis Leverages Western Guilt

The United States’ wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have widely cast the image of America as the great imperialist evil of the modern era....

India-US COMCASA: Some Details on Technology Sharing

The latest strategic accomplishment between India and the US has been the Communications Compatibility and Security Agreement (COMCASA), a typified bilateral variant of one...

Dawn of a New Armageddon

This particular January morning starts out like almost every other Saturday morning here on Kaua’i, though the sunrise at first light is exceptionally beautiful,...

On the Revision of the Article 9 of the Constitution of Japan

Amending the article 9 of the Constitution of Japan has been a never-ending story in Japanese politics. The article 9 is the basic principle of the...

Empowering EU Defence

EU Defence is becoming a hot topic on the EU agenda as the mistrust in transatlantic relations deepens. In order to empower the future...

India’s S-400 Defense Systems Negotiations: Devil in the Details

The Indian Defense Minister Nirmala Sitharaman recently said the following about the status of India’s S-400 Triumf air defence missile systems negotiations with Russia:...

Yugoslavia with Nukes How the Breakup of the USSR Never Ended

Vladimir Putin and the Russian Federation have featured heavily in the American news media for a variety of reasons – whether this be the...

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty is Unsustainable

With the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, the threat of nuclear war diminished, nuclear-armed states led a drive to prevent the spread of...

What will be the consequences if America attacks North Korea?

The United States' military is by far the most powerful and advanced in the world. There is no point in comparing the military might of...

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AI Fighter Jets: Skynet or Strategic Supremacy?

The recent milestone achieved by the US Air Force,...

On the Prospects of a Third World War

Frederick the Great remarks somewhere that diplomacy without force...

Treading Carefully: India’s Diplomatic Tightrope in the Neighbourhood

India’s foreign policy often recedes amidst the fervour of...

Assyrians are Already Persecuted in the Middle East, and Host Nations Must Guarantee Their Safety

On April 15th, 2024, the Assyrian community of Sydney,...