
Armenia–Azerbaijan: A Chance to End the Cycle of Conflict

Every war and conflict experience pivotal moments that bring significant risks, often accompanied by suffering and devastation. However, these moments also present fresh possibilities...

How the Anti-West Axis Leverages Western Guilt

The United States’ wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have widely cast the image of America as the great imperialist evil of the modern era....

Ensuring Israeli Security and Palestinian Liberation to Avert World War

The post-October 7 Israel-Hamas war highlights perhaps the sheerest contemporary example of what thinkers like Edward Said and Samuel P. Huntington would have considered...

The Rationale Behind the Non Use of US Nuclear Weapons on North Korea

A nuclear war has become unimaginable in the twenty-first century. The scale of destruction which a nuclear war will bring would blank our mind....

Emerging Multipolarity in Military Technology

Russia and China are rapidly bridging the existing gap with the United States in terms of military technology. We are witnessing an emerging multipolarity...

Cyberwarfare: Implications for Bangladesh

We are still far behind most of the countries when it comes to the capability of conventional or kinetic warfare. It is understandable that...

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The Russian Bear Claws and Paws for Strategic Momentum

As the conflict in Ukraine extends into its successive...

CGTN’s Global South Voices exposes the vulnerability of “China’s overcapacity” hype

"There's a lot of hype in certain countries, especially...

On Thin Ice: Navigating the Pitfalls of Himalayan Geopolitics

When discussing Asian power politics, there is an understandable...

Unveiling the Real Playbook Behind U.S. Aid in the Ukrainian Theatre

The recent approval of a substantial aid package by...

Is There Overcapacity or Insufficient Supply in China’s New Energy?

As a developing country deeply intertwined in the global...