President Trump Has a Comprehensive Plan to Dismantle the Deep State Worldwide

In the labyrinthine corridors of power, a shadowy ensemble maneuvers behind the scenes, influencing...


A Look Into the Hurdles and Prospects of Sino-Bangladesh Relations

The Prime Minister of Bangladesh is scheduled to visit...

The Rising Sun: Japan’s Strategic Re-Awakening and the Art of Balance in the Indo-Pacific

Japan's recent pivot towards a robust defense posture and...


President Trump Has a Comprehensive Plan to Dismantle the Deep State Worldwide

In the labyrinthine corridors of power, a shadowy ensemble...

How Strategic Autonomy Played a Central Role in Modi’s Russia Visit?

During the Cold War days, India was the vanguard...

Rohingya Tragedy: Human Values ​​Must Be Above All

There is no suffering more painful than when humanity...

India’s Multi-alignment Policy and Its Response to the Ukrainian War

India’s foreign policy under the leadership of Prime Minister...

Navigating Polycentricism, Lessons for the US and China

International politics for long has oscillated about US-China relations,...

A U.S.-led Alliance In Northeast Asia Will Harm Everyone, But China Can Stop It

The renewed U.S.-led trilateral alliance has attracted tremendous attention...

Diplomatic Pivot: India and Maldives Rebuild Ties Amid Geopolitical Shifts

The recent visit of Maldivian President Mohamed Muizzu to...

South Asia

How Strategic Autonomy Played a Central Role in Modi’s Russia Visit?

During the Cold War days, India was the vanguard of the non-aligned movement—a neutral position in the ideological conflict of the superpowers. Neither the...

Rohingya Tragedy: Human Values ​​Must Be Above All

There is no suffering more painful than when humanity is ignored, as experienced by the Rohingya. This tragedy is a clear example of neglect...

India’s Multi-alignment Policy and Its Response to the Ukrainian War

India’s foreign policy under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi firmly stands on the premise that it can serve the country’s national interest...

Is India Moving in the Direction to Have A Strategic Culture as Understood in the West?

Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869-1948), known for his contribution to turning mass mobilization against British imperial rule into non-violent movements for Indian independence, also used...

India’s Quest for Major Power Status: Challenges and Opportunities

T.V. Paul (2024). The Unfinished Quest: India’s Search for Major Power Status from Nehru to Modi. New York. Oxford University Press.  In the realm of...

Pakistan’s Security Challenges

National security doctrines evolve gradually, shaped by institutional factors unless disrupted by drastic events. For example, the war in Ukraine has dramatically altered global...

The New Great Game in Afghanistan: Continuing Misery of Afghans

The World Happiness Report which is prepared with the combined efforts of Gallup, the Oxford Wellbeing Research Centre, the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network,...

India-Gulf Space Cooperation

India’s space programme has been a long and successful one in the making ever since Dr. Vikram Sarabhai established the Indian Space Research Organization...

Giving a Boost to Healthy Economic Competition Between India’s States

Indian PM Narendra Modi, after taking over in 2014, has repeatedly underscored the need not just for ‘cooperative federalism’ but also ‘competitive federalism’ –...


Be Careful What You Wish For: Multi-Polarity Advocates Will Yearn For Pax-Americana

The need for national leaderships to rally towards countering geopolitical multi-polarity in the face of unfolding consequences stemming from the correlation of systemic regional...

Fentanyl’s Shadow War: Navigating the Geopolitical Labyrinth of Addiction

In the contemporary geopolitical theater, the fentanyl crisis emerges as a clandestine battleground in the strategic duel between the United States and China, a...

When Gangs Call All the Shots

Taking the government to ransom by a band of marauding criminal gangs is an unheard-of phenomenon, in contemporary international society. Similarly, it is rarer...


Europe’s Far-Right Revival: Unpacking the Surge

The far-right is gaining increasing power across Europe, with several countries now having right-politico parties in government or as major political...

Debate on the Resurgence of Russian Tactical Nuclear Weapons

Tactical Nuclear Weapons (TNWs) or Non-Strategic Nuclear Weapon (NSNW) are short range and low yield nuclear warheads which are fundamentally designed...

The Maneuvers of the Far-Right Are a Great Threat to France’s Diversity and Inclusion

The first week of July saw French politics take a flabbergasting turn with Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally (RN) securing...

Fluctuating Relations: What Are the Current Dynamics Between Poland and the EU?

Poland is the most important EU member state in Eastern Europe and plays a pivotal role in the EU's foreign policy...

Southeast Asia

Indonesia Can Learn from Germany regarding Corruption Prevention and Control

Corruption is like a cancer that is eating away...

A Look Into the Hurdles and Prospects of Sino-Bangladesh Relations

The Prime Minister of Bangladesh is scheduled to visit...

Bridging the Divide: The EU’s Global Gateway Amidst Southeast Asian Skepticism

On May 2024, ASEAN and the European Union launched...

President Putin’s Visit to North Korea: Upending Asian Security

On June 20, Russian President Vladimir Putin made his...

Why Has the Myanmar Junta Banned Its Male Citizens from Going Abroad for Work?

The situation in Myanmar has been appalling since the military junta, led by Gen. Min Aung Hlaing, launched a coup on February 01, 2021,...

Middle East

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