
NATO’s Uncertain Future: Navigating the Challenges in a Changing Global Landscape

As The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) observes its 75th anniversary in Washington, The General Secretary of NATO writes that the outcome of the...

Pakistan’s Security Challenges

National security doctrines evolve gradually, shaped by institutional factors unless disrupted by drastic events. For example, the war in Ukraine has dramatically altered global...

The Rising Sun: Japan’s Strategic Re-Awakening and the Art of Balance in the Indo-Pacific

Japan's recent pivot towards a robust defense posture and its longstanding economic prowess in East Asia present a paradigm shift. Japan's defense budget for...

China’s Hostage Diplomacy

The international system that has evolved in the 21st century may have moved far away from the World Wars, but what remains a fact...

A War With Iran Would Further Destabilize the Region

Just months before the neo-cons in the U.S. administration were preparing the grounds for invading Iraq, Secretary General of Arab League, Mr. Amar Mousa,...

Making Sense of Keeping Chabahar Out of US Sanctions

Amid heightened tensions due to the imposition of fresh sanctions by the US to punish Iran over its nuclear program has sent shivers to...

U.S. Extended Deterrence and the Korean Peninsula’s Changing Threat Environment

From the perspective of the average South Korean, the Weapons of Mass Destruction threat from North Korea is as ubiquitous as a typhoon and...

Russia’s New Move in Ukraine

In an attempt to tighten the screws on Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin, on April 24, signed a decree, simplifying the procedure for granting...

China and Xinjiang: The Fate of BRI

Investments have either built or doomed empires. For the former to be materialized, investments are to be made considering factors beyond the purely economic...

Analysis: The Great Powers in a Geopolitical Asymmetry with the Taliban

The April 25, 2019, trilateral meeting between the Great Powers, namely, the US, Russia and China underscored an important understanding about the present status...

Whither Indian Military Interventions?

India has long aspired to be a regional hegemon in South Asia. While poor trade ties with its South Asian neighbors hampers this ambition,...

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How Strategic Autonomy Played a Central Role in Modi’s Russia Visit?

During the Cold War days, India was the vanguard...

Rohingya Tragedy: Human Values ​​Must Be Above All

There is no suffering more painful than when humanity...

India’s Multi-alignment Policy and Its Response to the Ukrainian War

India’s foreign policy under the leadership of Prime Minister...

Donald Trump-Orban Meeting and the Populist-Liberal Debate

In recent days, the electoral verdicts in UK and...

Indonesia Can Learn from Germany regarding Corruption Prevention and Control

Corruption is like a cancer that is eating away...