
The Kazakh Nuclear Gamble

This fall Kazakhstan will hold a national referendum on whether to build a nuclear power station. The multi-billion dollar project has long been pushed...

India Overtakes China in Economic Growth – A Shift Anticipated and Amplified by Stock Markets with Geopolitical Implications

India has overtaken China in terms of economic growth, signaling a major shift in global economics. This transition, anticipated by many analysts, is now...

A Series of Strategic Maneuvers in the South China Sea: Unfolding Tensions and Alliances

As the United States gears up for its upcoming election, the Democrats have made a striking move, pledging a substantial $500 million to boost...

Of India-Pakistan Talks over Kashmir

The Kashmir disputes are rooted in the division of Indian Subcontinent. It is still a sour point in India-Pakistan relations. Occasionally, tensions between the two countries...

Assessing Outcomes of an India-China Intel Sharing Pact

India-China relations, a mix of cooperation and conflict touch upon several important facets of 21st century international politics. However, cooperation on eradication of terrorism,...

Of Half-Elephants. The Beijing Xiangshan Forum and China-US Relations

The foreign policy narrative is often about the elephant in the room. Then again, it may be also about the half-elephant. While the sessions of...

Has Xi Diverted from Deng’s Direction?

The escalation of the Sino-US trade war brought up a debate of whether President Xi Jinping had diverted from Deng Xiaoping’s direction. Deng’s direction...

What is Behind Jair Bolsonaro’s Rise in Brazil?

Almost the entire world has heard about Jair Bolsonaro by this moment, the most likely next president of the Latin American largest country. He...

Brexit, Independence and Leadership: The Moral Poverty of “Global Britain”

The cruellest paradox arising from Britain’s decision to leave the European Union is that its formal independence from the voluntary group of democracies will...

POW Diplomacy Won’t Ease Tensions Between Cambodia and Washington

Cambodia’s Foreign Ministry has announced that it had offered to resume cooperation in an effort to search for remains of Americans killed during the...

The Enduring Shadow of Russia in India’s Strategic Discourse

In a changing global environment, Russia is India’s opportunity to flex its strategic autonomy, obtain material gains and ensure a reliable alliance. In the 19th...

Stay in touch:


The Kazakh Nuclear Gamble

This fall Kazakhstan will hold a national referendum on...

A Series of Strategic Maneuvers in the South China Sea: Unfolding Tensions and Alliances

As the United States gears up for its upcoming...

India, NATO and the SCO: Why the South Asian Country Should Convene a Dialogue between Both Organizations

New Delhi would be able to dispel negative international...

Strategic Myopia or Deliberate Blindness?

The repeated and awkward statements by Brazil’s President, Lula...