
How Strategic Autonomy Played a Central Role in Modi’s Russia Visit?

During the Cold War days, India was the vanguard of the non-aligned movement—a neutral position in the ideological conflict of the superpowers. Neither the...

Rohingya Tragedy: Human Values ​​Must Be Above All

There is no suffering more painful than when humanity is ignored, as experienced by the Rohingya. This tragedy is a clear example of neglect...

India’s Multi-alignment Policy and Its Response to the Ukrainian War

India’s foreign policy under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi firmly stands on the premise that it can serve the country’s national interest...

Why Saudi Arabia Held Secret Talks With Iran

A few days ago, the Financial Times claimed in a report that high-ranking officials from Iran and Saudi Arabia had held direct talks in...

Indian Military Modernization: Response Options for Pakistan Air Force

As a result of developments in advanced technology, rigorous training and the role of leadership at the operational level of war, airpower has now...

Reaffirming the Strengthening of the US-Japan Alliance

Forged in the wake of World War II, the US-Japan security alliance is important as ever for both the countries and for Asia as...

Why France Should Be Replaced as a Minsk Group Mediator

The Minsk Group was created in its current format in 1992 to find a peaceful settlement to the Karabakh conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan....

International Food Aid Is Needed to Prevent a New Cambodian Tragedy

Cambodia needs urgent food aid as lockdown restrictions deprive people of their livelihoods and raise the spectre of mass starvation. Since mid-April, lockdowns have been...

The Saudi WMD Act: A Barrier to Saudi Arabia’s Nuclear Ambitions

A few days earlier, a number of US lawmakers in the Senate introduced a bill that would monitor Saudi Arabia's nuclear activities and prevent...

The Curious Case of Myanmar and the Global Constitutionalism of Responsibility to Protect (R2P)

The coups have been particularly seen to be as an anomaly in the new world order which came into being after the Second World...

Japan and South Korea: Away and Beyond

With the release of the 2020 Defence White Paper in February 2021 by the Ministry of National Defence (MND) of the Republic of Korea,...

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How Strategic Autonomy Played a Central Role in Modi’s Russia Visit?

During the Cold War days, India was the vanguard...

Rohingya Tragedy: Human Values ​​Must Be Above All

There is no suffering more painful than when humanity...

India’s Multi-alignment Policy and Its Response to the Ukrainian War

India’s foreign policy under the leadership of Prime Minister...

Donald Trump-Orban Meeting and the Populist-Liberal Debate

In recent days, the electoral verdicts in UK and...

Indonesia Can Learn from Germany regarding Corruption Prevention and Control

Corruption is like a cancer that is eating away...