
China’s Escalating Unauthorized Marine Research in East Asia and Its Political Motivations

Incident on New Year's Day On January 1, 2024, at approximately 1:10 p.m., just three hours before a magnitude 7 earthquake struck the Noto Peninsula,...

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China’s Escalating Unauthorized Marine Research in East Asia and Its Political Motivations

Incident on New Year's Day On January 1, 2024, at...

US Starts Arms Race in Indo-Pacific Region

The United States' plans to deploy Typhon missile systems...

Kazakhstan’s Foreign Policy as a Model for Stability in an Unstable World

As the world observes UN World Peace Day on...

Shadows of Impunity: Putin’s Mongolia Visit and the Waning Power of ICC in Geopolitical Battlefiled

Imagine a warrior king, shielded by divine powers, stepping...