
People’s Revolutions: More Than the Will of the People

The French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, the Iranian Revolution, and many other historical turning points. We were taught that they were primarily due to...

Armenia–Azerbaijan: A Chance to End the Cycle of Conflict

Every war and conflict experience pivotal moments that bring significant risks, often accompanied by suffering and devastation. However, these moments also present fresh possibilities...

Atomic Tides: The Future of Freshwater from the Fusion of Nuclear Power and the Ocean’s Depths

In the intricate ballet of civilization's survival and technological advancement, the quest for fresh water has driven humanity to the brink of ingenuity and...

Cambodia: Government Invents Red Tape to Stop Opposition Registering for Election

The Cambodian government is making up new bureaucratic obstacles to try to prevent the risk of any real opposition party being able to contest...

Erdoğan’s Last Stand?

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is an ‘election machine’. The main opposition, the Republican People’s Party (CHP), acknowledges that without hesitation. As far as...

The Shifting Tides: How the US Dollar’s Dominance as a Global Currency is Eroding

The US dollar has been the dominant global currency for almost a century. It has been used as a medium of exchange, a store...

The Deadliest Conflict of the 21st Century…So Far

Not even the long-running Syrian Civil War or the currently unfolding Russo-Ukraine War can top the list. The Tigray War has instead seen death...

The Changing Global Geopolitical Landscape: Looking Beyond the China-US Rivalry

In the aftermath of the Russia-Ukraine war, several commentators have highlighted the diminishing economic and military clout of the US. While it is true,...

INC is Steering It’s Way Out of a Maelstrom

Even though he has been disqualified as being a member of Parliament, after a Gujarat court declared him guilty in a 2019 defamation case,...

Iran-Saudi Reconciliation: A Hope for the Region?

States with shared culture, beliefs and borders cannot stay apart from the each other for too long. They have to resolve their disputes to...

The Geopolitical Violence of Translating the Dalai Lama

How do you translate intimacy? Recent news involving the Dalai Lama interacting with an Indian boy at a public event on Feb. 28, 2023...

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People’s Revolutions: More Than the Will of the People

The French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, the Iranian Revolution,...

The Russian Bear Claws and Paws for Strategic Momentum

As the conflict in Ukraine extends into its successive...

CGTN’s Global South Voices exposes the vulnerability of “China’s overcapacity” hype

"There's a lot of hype in certain countries, especially...

On Thin Ice: Navigating the Pitfalls of Himalayan Geopolitics

When discussing Asian power politics, there is an understandable...

Unveiling the Real Playbook Behind U.S. Aid in the Ukrainian Theatre

The recent approval of a substantial aid package by...