
Strategic Transformation of the Indo-Pacific: Powerful and Stable Maritime Space

In the era of unprecedented global interconnectedness, the Indo-Pacific region emerges as a focal point of geopolitical significance, commanding attention from scholars, policymakers, and...

On the Prospects of a Third World War

Frederick the Great remarks somewhere that diplomacy without force is like music without instruments. He forgot to add: when the music is off-key, one...

Armenia–Azerbaijan: A Chance to End the Cycle of Conflict

Every war and conflict experience pivotal moments that bring significant risks, often accompanied by suffering and devastation. However, these moments also present fresh possibilities...

What’s the Way Forward for the West in Ukraine?

The result of Moscow's horrific war in Ukraine will be determined not only by weaponry, tactics, and fighting spirit, but also by the passage...

Bangladesh’s Indo-Pacific Outlook: Tilting, Rebalancing, or Else?

Ever since the United States refocused its strategic pivot to the Asia-Pacific region in 2011, the region has increasingly become the global "center of...

The 6th Indian Ocean Conference in Dhaka 2023: Can Bangladesh Lead for Collective Prosperity in Future?

On May 12–13, Dhaka hosted the sixth annual Indian Ocean Conference, an event that typically brings together government officials, diplomats, and think tanks from...

G7 Outreach Vis-à-Vis Developing Countries and the China Factor

Two of the non-member G7 countries invited to the G7 Summit held in Hiroshima were Indonesia and India. Indonesia – which is the current...

The China-Russia Partnership: A Strategic Headache for the United States

Napoleon Bonaparte, a prominent figure in the history of Europe and a great French Monarch, writes that “there are two forces that unite men:...

Assessing the Threat of Armed Rebellion in Pakistan: Implications for National Security and Stability

The ongoing phenomenon of armed rebellion against the state in Pakistan has emerged as a critical subject of apprehension for both the nation and...

Bhutan: Inconveniently Landlocked

Bhutan is a nation landlocked between two nuclear powers, China and India. In 1939, Mao Zedong for the first time made claims on Bhutanese...

Myanmar Must Be Fixed

We live in a world in which a great Asian humanitarian crisis is still being ignored with not much substance being done about it....

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Strategic Transformation of the Indo-Pacific: Powerful and Stable Maritime Space

In the era of unprecedented global interconnectedness, the Indo-Pacific...

Analysing the Turkic Vector of Azerbaijan’s Foreign Policy

The Organisation of Turkic States (OTS) is one of...

Why the Caribbean Community Backs Palestinian Statehood

With foreign ministers of the 14 mostly Anglophone sovereign member...

Central Asia: A Battleground of Economic and Energy Rivalry among Global Powers

Central Asia, previously underestimated, has now become a focal...

China’s Strategic Canal in Cambodia May Cause Regional Destabilization

A Chinese-backed canal project aims to connect the Cambodian...