
Strategic Myopia or Deliberate Blindness?

The repeated and awkward statements by Brazil’s President, Lula da Silva, and his Advisor for International Affairs and de facto Secretary of State, Celso...

Why the Elections in Venezuela Matter

Venezuela’s presidential election on July 28 is the most consequential since the Bolivarian revolution came to power more than a quarter of a century...

Escalating Tensions: Russia-US Standoff in Cuba and Global Implications

The recent deployment of a nuclear-powered warship by Russia to Cuba has reignited tensions between Russia and the United States, reminiscent of the Cold...

Combating Racial Discrimination in the United States

Racial discrimination in the United States has been a widely discussed topic since last year’s presidential election. America is seen as a melting pot...

A Reflection on Discrimination Against Muslims in America

Discrimination is defined as unfair and unjust treatment of people based on their religion, race, color or sex. History tells us, no country or...

What will be the consequences if America attacks North Korea?

The United States' military is by far the most powerful and advanced in the world. There is no point in comparing the military might of...

Beyond the Smoke Screen: Deconstructing American Pivot to Asia

The United States' foreign policy community, academia and think tanks are still debating the idea of American pivot to Asia. According to John Mearsheimer and...

Most Likely Nuclear Targets in the US in the Event of a Nuclear War

In a nuclear war, most likely nuclear targets are the US ICBM sites, command and control centers, nuclear facilities and strategic bomber force or...

The Rationale Behind the Non Use of US Nuclear Weapons on North Korea

A nuclear war has become unimaginable in the twenty-first century. The scale of destruction which a nuclear war will bring would blank our mind....

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India, NATO and the SCO: Why the South Asian Country Should Convene a Dialogue between Both Organizations

New Delhi would be able to dispel negative international...

Strategic Myopia or Deliberate Blindness?

The repeated and awkward statements by Brazil’s President, Lula...

Serbia’s Recalibrated Foreign Policy: Ironclad Friendship Replacing Slavic Brotherhood

This analysis examines the reasons behind recent recalibration of...

India-Pakistan Trade Relations: The Need for a Holistic and Balanced Approach

A recent statement issued by the Pakistan Foreign Office...