Julian McBride

Julian McBride is a forensic anthropologist and independent journalist born in New York. He is the founder and director of the Reflections of War Initiative (ROW), an anthropological NGO which aims to tell the stories of the victims of war through art therapy. As a former Marine, he uses this technique not only to help heal PTSD but also to share people's stories through art, which conveys "the message of the brutality of war better than most news organizations."

How and Why Sudan Represents the Second Front in the Russo-Ukrainian War

Sudan is an African country with a rich history and multiethnic society. However, the government is intertwined with wars, perpetual conflicts, and even genocides. The...

Assyrians are Already Persecuted in the Middle East, and Host Nations Must Guarantee Their Safety

On April 15th, 2024, the Assyrian community of Sydney, Australia, suffered a shocking and malicious hate crime, as a leading bishop, Mar Mari Emmanuel,...

Why Macron Is Thinking About Western Intervention in Ukraine

Emmanuel Macron, the President of France, initially took a more pragmatic approach to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Attempting to mitigate tensions, Macron’s numerous...

What the West Fears About Russia, Finland Continues to Embrace

Russia’s all-out war on Ukraine continues into year two at a slugfest that is slowly favoring the Russian Federation. Due to political turmoil in...

Russia Continues to Leave Strategic Borders With NATO Open With Minimal Manpower

The Russian Federation, under longtime autocrat Vladimir Putin, lives in a state of ultra-nationalism and renewed imperialist ambitions—putting the country on a path of...

The Visegrad Group Internal Conflict

The Visegrad Group is a political alliance of the four Central European countries of Hungary, Poland, Czechia, and Slovakia. Culturally aligned, along with sharing...

How Hamas’ Information Warfare Strategy Both Succeeded and Failed

On October 7th, 2023, Hamas coordinated one of the most gruesome terrorist attacks in modern history. Immediately after the attack, which ironically fell on...

China’s Gamble on Houthi Attacks and Piracy

The ongoing Israel-Hamas War is quickly spiraling from a local conflict to a regional and now global one. Iranian-funded and armed proxies, such as...

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How Strategic Autonomy Played a Central Role in Modi’s Russia Visit?

During the Cold War days, India was the vanguard...

Rohingya Tragedy: Human Values ​​Must Be Above All

There is no suffering more painful than when humanity...

India’s Multi-alignment Policy and Its Response to the Ukrainian War

India’s foreign policy under the leadership of Prime Minister...

Donald Trump-Orban Meeting and the Populist-Liberal Debate

In recent days, the electoral verdicts in UK and...

Indonesia Can Learn from Germany regarding Corruption Prevention and Control

Corruption is like a cancer that is eating away...