
Assyrians are Already Persecuted in the Middle East, and Host Nations Must Guarantee Their Safety

On April 15th, 2024, the Assyrian community of Sydney, Australia, suffered a shocking and malicious hate crime, as a leading bishop, Mar Mari Emmanuel,...

People’s Revolutions: More Than the Will of the People

The French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, the Iranian Revolution, and many other historical turning points. We were taught that they were primarily due to...

Armenia–Azerbaijan: A Chance to End the Cycle of Conflict

Every war and conflict experience pivotal moments that bring significant risks, often accompanied by suffering and devastation. However, these moments also present fresh possibilities...

India-Russia Relations Amid Global Geopolitical Flux

Putin’s visit to India comes at a time when the world is in a flux due to increasing polarization and complex global geopolitical rivalry.

The Energy Transition Is Underway. Nigeria Is Dangerously Unprepared

Crude oil revenue is Nigeria's fiscal lifeline, generating almost 65% of government revenues.

The Rising Vitality of 2+2 Dialogues for the Indo-Pacific

Besides Russia and US, India has 2+2 dialogue mechanism with Australia and Japan.

Easy Money, Debt-Binging and the China-Nigeria Relationship

the latest borrowing spree by Nigeria, and its increasing concentration in China, is consequential.

Neo-Taliban Turns Digital: A Reconquest Strategy

The Taliban have seized the US military's biometric devices storing biometric information of the US army and the local Afghans which can be used to hunt down people who passively or actively supported the US presence in Afghanistan.

Why High Global Inflation Is Such a Big Concern

The global prices of commodities have witnessed a sharp increase on the back of demand revival in advanced economies driven by the rollout of Covid-19 vaccines.

China Is Not Committing Genocide in Xinjiang

Genocide committed by the Chinese government in the Chinese province of Xinjiang is a commonplace narrative that gained speed over the past year or...

War and Truth in Ethiopia: Joint United Nations-Ethiopia Human Rights Investigation Contradicts Mainstream War Commentary About the Genesis of the Ongoing Conflict

“The first casualty when war comes is truth,” said US Senator Hiram Johnson in the midst of World War I. It appears that is...

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Assyrians are Already Persecuted in the Middle East, and Host Nations Must Guarantee Their Safety

On April 15th, 2024, the Assyrian community of Sydney,...

People’s Revolutions: More Than the Will of the People

The French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, the Iranian Revolution,...

The Russian Bear Claws and Paws for Strategic Momentum

As the conflict in Ukraine extends into its successive...

CGTN’s Global South Voices exposes the vulnerability of “China’s overcapacity” hype

"There's a lot of hype in certain countries, especially...

On Thin Ice: Navigating the Pitfalls of Himalayan Geopolitics

When discussing Asian power politics, there is an understandable...