Commercial Space Assets in Modern Warfare: Lessons from Russia-Ukraine Conflict

The Russia-Ukraine war has provided a glimpse of the future of warfare — a future characterized by remote, high-tech combat rather than traditional man-to-man confrontation. While high-precision weaponry has played a crucial role in this conflict, satellites have emerged as a critical component, offering a new dimension to the ongoing conflict. Notably, Ukraine, despite lacking its own satellites, has effectively leveraged private satellite companies to access advanced, high-resolution satellite imagery, surpassing the capabilities of Russia’s aging space fleet. This access to space-based assets has been instrumental in bolstering Ukraine’s defensive and counteroffensive strategies, albeit contingent on effective ground-level tactics. 

Yet, the integration of commercial space assets into a conflict where Russia, a formidable adversary, holds the capacity to target them introduces an unprecedented layer of complexity. Russia has made it abundantly clear that these commercial satellites are potential targets, yet it has thus far refrained from deploying invasive measures to disable them. The dilemma arises from the fact that the proprietary rights to these satellites belong to non-Ukrainian firms, primarily based in the United States. Any overt act of sabotage, if traceable back to Russia, could rapidly escalate the conflict. Furthermore, such acts could inadvertently lead to the destruction of Russia’s own satellites, potentially triggering the Kessler syndrome, a nightmare scenario where debris from destroyed satellites propagates, endangering other space assets. In an age when our reliance on space technology touches nearly every facet of our daily lives, from Earth observation for scientific purposes to seamless global communication and even military command and control, such actions in space could indeed have catastrophic and far-reaching consequences. 

While we have not yet reached such an extreme point, there is no guarantee that it won’t occur if Russia perceives that its strategic interests necessitate the targeting of these commercial satellites, which it views as pivotal to Ukraine’s capabilities.

Another disconcerting aspect of relying on private space companies is the degree of discretionary power they wield. A case in point is Elon Musk’s recent revelation regarding his refusal of a Ukrainian request to activate his Starlink satellite network over Crimea’s port city of Sevastopol. Musk cited apprehensions of complicity in a “major” act of war as the primary reason for his refusal, pointing to an alleged Ukrainian plan to sink a significant portion of the Russian fleet anchored in Sevastopol. This incident casts a revealing spotlight on the risks associated with involving private firms in the provision of essential elements of modern warfare.

If Musk’s claims are indeed accurate, this implies that a civilian, devoid of legal authority, had the power to determine the strategic significance of a specific Ukrainian attack. Such a precedent, where a civilian exercises such access and authority, gives rise to novel and profound concerns within the realm of security studies. On the other hand, if Musk’s statement proves to be disinformation or misinformation, it poses a different but equally concerning issue. In an era where disinformation is wielded as a potent weapon of geopolitical influence, such falsehoods can have grave consequences, potentially exacerbating an already volatile situation.

The Russia-Ukraine conflict, as unique as it is, serves as an instructive case study within the broader context of space warfare. However, the practice of granting access to private satellite data and services may not be universally applicable. Many nations around the world, lacking their own satellite capabilities, would find themselves at a severe disadvantage in a conflict scenario. This underscores the crucial importance of countries investing in and developing their indigenous satellite capabilities to safeguard their national security interests.

Moreover, complicating the arena of warfare with the commercialization of space further compounds the risks. Our contemporary way of life is intrinsically tied to space technology, with space-based assets playing an integral role in sectors ranging from agriculture and meteorology to navigation and financial services. Endangering these assets not only threatens the conduct of warfare but also endangers the very fabric of our interconnected global society.

In conclusion, the Russia-Ukraine conflict serves as a stark reminder of the dual-edged nature of commercial space assets in modern warfare. While these assets can provide a strategic edge, they also introduce a host of complexities and vulnerabilities that demand careful consideration. As nations continue to navigate this uncharted territory, they must tread a fine line, striking a delicate balance between harnessing the benefits of commercial space assets and ensuring the security and stability of both space and Earth. The path ahead in the realm of space warfare remains uncertain, and prudent decision-making will be crucial to safeguarding our interconnected world in this new era of conflict.

[Photo by Daniel Oberhaus, via Wikimedia Commons]

Akash Shah works as a Research Officer at Strategic Vision Institute, Islamabad. His work primarily focuses on developments and militarization in outer space. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author.

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