Can Grassroots Community Care Mitigate the Global Mental Health Crisis?

There’s no denying that the world at large is knee-deep in the throes of a mental health crisis. As a population, we’re still dealing with the lingering effects of COVID-19. On top of that, we’re living in a time of economic uncertainty, social unrest, and political discord. It should come as no surprise that rates of depression, anxiety, and burnout are higher than ever. Unfortunately, that also means that the institutions meant to help people with their mental well-being are overloaded and understaffed.

So, how will we ever get out of this mental health crisis? The solution might be grassroots community support.

The average person can do more to help themselves and others with their mental well-being than you might think. Consider getting involved with your community to assist those who might need help, and you could have a hugely positive impact on someone’s life. Let’s talk a bit more about the state of mental health today and how you can do your part to mitigate our current crisis. 

Why So Many People Need Help

The reason a grassroots community care approach can be effective is that people are actively seeking help. Therapists across the country are experiencing burnout and stress due to the influx of patients over the last few years. It’s causing many of them to leave the mental health field completely, and others to limit the clients they take on.

That leaves millions of people in need. About two-thirds of people who need mental health help don’t receive it.

You can do your part by improving your health literacy education and undergoing psychological first aid training. You don’t need to go to school for years to understand the basics of mental health help. This kind of education can equip you to go into your community and help people in need, providing them with short and long-term coping skills to help them with stress, anxiety, and depression.

In addition to a lack of professional help, many people have turned to substance use throughout the last few years to cope with mental health issues. When someone is abusing drugs or becomes addicted, it’s nearly impossible for them to pull themselves out on their own. By choosing to step in and help those individuals come up with better coping mechanisms, you can encourage them to overcome their addictions and find healthier ways to deal with their mental wellness. 

Know Your Community

Not all communities are equal, and it’s essential to understand what your neighbors really need when it comes to their mental state. The needs of a community are location-specific. For example, people in underserved urban communities are going to need a different type of care and support than those in more rural settings.

For example, people in rural communities are often at a greater risk of poor health outcomes due to factors like:

  • Long travel distances to receive care
  • Less physical activity
  • More leisure time
  • Fewer people have health insurance

Those individuals can also be more at risk for mental health issues if they’re not taking care of themselves the way they should. On the other hand, those who live in urban communities might experience disparities in care – including the type of mental health resources available. Urban communities are often underserved, especially when it comes to communities of color. While many of these communities might not compare to some of the poverty-stricken areas experiencing crises around the globe, it can be difficult for them to receive proper mental health care due to things like discrimination, financial struggles, and even social stigmas.

No matter the type of community you live in, there’s a good chance you understand the people and what they need. You know the people there, and which groups have been impacted the most by things like the pandemic and the current political climate. Take a personal approach when it comes to providing help. Encourage those you know to utilize teletherapy. At the very least, help them foster healthier habits that can improve both their physical and mental well-being. 

Create Safe Spaces

One of the reasons why people are struggling with their mental health so much is that they don’t feel safe. We’re living in a time of uncertainty. While it can be argued that the pandemic is over, its mental health effects continue to linger, leaving people feeling anxious and unsafe.

You can help the people in your community by creating safe spaces for individuals to be themselves and feel secure. That might include things like hosting events at a community center, church, or school, or providing open venues for people to get together and talk. On a smaller scale, you can open up your home to friends and neighbors who might be struggling with their mental health. Meeting together weekly with a friend group can make a big difference. 

Not only are healthy, strong relationships beneficial to your mental health, but when you choose to get together as a community, you’ll all know that you have a support system to lean on. That can make everyone feel safer, and not so alone in times of uncertainty.

You don’t have to have a mental health degree or even a lot of experience to make a difference in your community. If you’re passionate about helping those around you and extinguishing some of the negative effects of the pandemic, keep these ideas in mind to start a grassroots community care strategy in your neighborhood.

[Photo by John Cameron/Unsplash]

*Ainsley Lawrence is a freelance writer who lives in the Northwest region of the United States. She has a particular interest in covering topics related to politics, social justice, and workplace issues.

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