
The author has graduated in economics from Madras Christian College, Chennai. She is currently pursing her Master's in international studies from Christ University, Bangalore. She was a research intern at Indian Council of World Affairs.

Analyzing Recent Border Skirmish in Fergana Valley

The recent clash on the borders of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan again drove our attention toward the region's volatility. The Fergana valley consists of three...

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The Kazakh Nuclear Gamble

This fall Kazakhstan will hold a national referendum on...

A Series of Strategic Maneuvers in the South China Sea: Unfolding Tensions and Alliances

As the United States gears up for its upcoming...

India, NATO and the SCO: Why the South Asian Country Should Convene a Dialogue between Both Organizations

New Delhi would be able to dispel negative international...

Strategic Myopia or Deliberate Blindness?

The repeated and awkward statements by Brazil’s President, Lula...