Thoriq Giffan Aditya

Thoriq Giffan Aditya is an International Relations student from Andalas University with a passion for writing about Europe and Southeast Asia.

Bridging the Divide: The EU’s Global Gateway Amidst Southeast Asian Skepticism

On May 2024, ASEAN and the European Union launched the ASEAN-EU Blue Book 2024-2025, unveiling their future roadmap. The Blue Book, a collaborative effort...

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India, NATO and the SCO: Why the South Asian Country Should Convene a Dialogue between Both Organizations

New Delhi would be able to dispel negative international...

Strategic Myopia or Deliberate Blindness?

The repeated and awkward statements by Brazil’s President, Lula...

Serbia’s Recalibrated Foreign Policy: Ironclad Friendship Replacing Slavic Brotherhood

This analysis examines the reasons behind recent recalibration of...

India-Pakistan Trade Relations: The Need for a Holistic and Balanced Approach

A recent statement issued by the Pakistan Foreign Office...