Harsh Kadara

Navigating Polycentricism, Lessons for the US and China

International politics for long has oscillated about US-China relations, with other nations being on the backseat adjusting their geopolitical moves anticipating the trajectory these...

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Navigating Polycentricism, Lessons for the US and China

International politics for long has oscillated about US-China relations,...

Navigating the Intricacies of Being a Regional Middle Power: Deciphering Putin’s Visit to Vietnam

Russian President Vladimir Putin visited Vietnam on June 19,...

The Future We Make Together: Key Outcomes of the Korea-Africa Summit 2024

The 21st century has often been described as the...

Pakistan’s Journey with PAKSAT-MM1 and Future Prospects

Pakistan’s premier space agency, the Space and Upper Atmosphere...

How Does China Leverage Soft Power in South Asia?

The capacity of major or emerging powers to exert...