
Armenia–Azerbaijan: A Chance to End the Cycle of Conflict

Every war and conflict experience pivotal moments that bring significant risks, often accompanied by suffering and devastation. However, these moments also present fresh possibilities...

Atomic Tides: The Future of Freshwater from the Fusion of Nuclear Power and the Ocean’s Depths

In the intricate ballet of civilization's survival and technological advancement, the quest for fresh water has driven humanity to the brink of ingenuity and...

How the Anti-West Axis Leverages Western Guilt

The United States’ wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have widely cast the image of America as the great imperialist evil of the modern era....

Medellin: A Saga of Civic Transformation

Medellin, Colombia, is the city that best exemplifies the revitalisation of a city. As a direct result of architects' efforts, the public's concept of...

Aid Needed in the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity

The Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF) was announced on May 23, 2022 by the Biden administration in Tokyo, Japan as a means to...

Redefining War and Peace

War and peace govern the vast landscape of geopolitics. At the heart of such crucial decision making lies the preponderance of probabilities of power...

Asia Pacific: Don’t Encourage Regional Financial Wooing

Australia and China are reportedly neck and neck in establishing closer ties with Asia Pacific countries. First, China is attempting to develop an economic...

How Korean War Continues to Shape South Korean Politics

The Korean War (1950-53) which marked North Korea's unilateral attempt to reunify the Korean peninsula by absorbing South Korea had far reaching implications for...

Afghan Sikhs: Their Immediate Challenges and Emotional Dilemma

While at one point in the 1970s the population of Afghan Sikhs and Hindus was estimated to be over 2,00000, today the number of...

Iran: The Huseyniyyun Brigade and Iran’s Latest Campaign Against Azerbaijan

Iran’s media outlets, clerics, and students from the theological and ideological center of Qom have recently staged protests outside the Azerbaijani embassy in Tehran...

Higher Out of Pocket Expenditure: A Concern in India?

Health spending drives over a hundred million people into poverty each year, and the impact of health spending on poverty is particularly large in...

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The Russian Bear Claws and Paws for Strategic Momentum

As the conflict in Ukraine extends into its successive...

CGTN’s Global South Voices exposes the vulnerability of “China’s overcapacity” hype

"There's a lot of hype in certain countries, especially...

On Thin Ice: Navigating the Pitfalls of Himalayan Geopolitics

When discussing Asian power politics, there is an understandable...

Unveiling the Real Playbook Behind U.S. Aid in the Ukrainian Theatre

The recent approval of a substantial aid package by...

Is There Overcapacity or Insufficient Supply in China’s New Energy?

As a developing country deeply intertwined in the global...